[ICO] DISCIPLINA: Blockchain for Education and Recruitment

The rapid blockchain adoptions enable startups to build blockchain application for various purpose. DISCIPLINA is a blockchain for education and recruitment. Currently (May 2018) the ICO process has entered the whitelisting stage, and crowdsale stage is expected to be coming soon after whitelisting stage ended.
Disclaimer: I am neither a blockchain programmer nor an investment consultant. I neither advise nor responsible for the profits or losses of this ICO investment. This article is limited to information that can be followed or ignored without any coercion.

What is Disciplina?

Disciplina is a multi-functional blockchain for educational and recruitment projects. Disciplina provides transparent work and maintains confidentiality and reliability of information inputted by participants in the system. Disciplina features smart contracts, low transaction costs, Proof of Stake (POS), Web of Trust, and private chain.
Disciplina's Blockchain has the ability to store personal achievement data in digital form and provide access to the data through an integrated platform. This ensures credibility and permanence of data. The platform will have search tool for student's achievements as well as their areas of expertise. This search tool is very useful for recruiters to be able to find the right candidate. In addition, this platform can help students to optimize the right education path in accordance with their career goals, therefore suitable to work in their desired company.
In accordance with the concept of tokenomy, the Disciplina ecosystem consists of both online and offline academic institutions, educators, students, and recruiters (e.g. corporate HR).

Problems that Disciplina Wants to Solve

For students:
  • Lack of credible rating for educational institutions and educator qualifications
  • Lack of trust in academic qualifications as it is difficult to prove its authenticity
  • The difficulty of making specific education plans on the preferred work area
For recruiters:
  • It is difficult to find a specialist with the desired qualifications
  • Lack of trust in the academic qualifications of the candidates
  • Cannot check candidate's work qualitatively
For educational institutions:
  • Cannot exchange academic achievement data between institutions due to the absence of an integrated platform
  • Paper document archives are very risky to be lost/damaged
  • Paper documents are very easy to be modified or forged

Overview of Disciplina Architecture

The Disciplina architecture divides the blockchain into two layers, the private layer in which there are sensitive data, and the public layer in which there are informations necessary to validate the integrity and authenticity of the private blocks.
Private layer is maintained by each educator independently of others. This layer contains data interactions between students with educators such as receiving an assignment, submitting solutions, or being graded. Students can access the platform through web and mobile apps. In the app, they will be able to select the educator, register the class, accept the assignment, and send the answer sheets. The scores and the criteria of whether the student has finished the course successfully are determined by the Educator.
The private layer allows educators to tamper the data in the blockchain. To overcome this issue and make the private transactions publicly verifiable, a second layer (public layer) is used. The public part of the Disciplina network consists of witnesses who are special entities that witness the fact in the private blocks that have been made by educators.
Recruiters are entities interested in obtaining data about students from educational institutions. They can buy data from educators using a special protocol. The validity and security of "traded" data is guaranteed by witnesses.

The Use Case of Disciplina Token (DSCP)

The primary payment instrument in apps using Disciplina blockchain is a DSCP token along with a smaller payment unit called "logic." This "logic" is equivalent to fractions of the DSCP. ERC20 will be distributed during crowdsale and will be converted to token on Disciplina's MainNet at a ratio of 1:1.
With a DSCP token (on MainNet) students from different countries can enroll in Disciplina courses/classes using DSCP. This will speed up the payment process because transactions can be quickly recorded without going through the bank, therefore also without a commission.
In line with the case above, teachers also receive payments with DSCP, and recruiters pay a certain amount of DSCP to obtain candidates data for employment. Therefore DSCP is a utility token (cryptocurrency) which not only can be used on Disciplina platform, but also can be used for trading.

Investing on Disciplina ICO (Crowdsale)

  • Ticker: DSCP
  • Token price at crowdsale: 1 DSCP = 0.0005 ETH or 1 ETH = 2,000 DSCP
  • Softcap: 7,000 ETH; Hardcap: 34,000 ETH
  • Receive: ETH, BTC, LTC
  • Maximum token volume (including bonus): ~ 95.000.000 DSCP
  • Minimum purchase volume: unlimited; Maximum purchase volume: unlimited
  • Unable to withdraw token before the crowdsale end
78% of tokens will be distributed at crowdsale, 20% for founders, and 2% for crowdsale marketing campaigns. The collected funds will be used based on the following percentages:
  • 40% marketing
  • 30% project development
  • 15% sales
  • 10% legal
  • 5% additional capital (to increase the financial stability of the project)
Crowdsale will end if the fundraiser reaches 34,000 ETH or $15 million (whichever comes first).

DSCP Valuation

Assuming hardcap can be achieved with a total fund collected of 34,000 ETH or $ 15 million. Then we can calculate the token dilution factor due to bonuses, founder fees, and crowdsale marketing fees.
From above table, it can be seen that if we calculate "real" value of DSCP token, 0.0005 ETH will be reduced to 0.00046 ETH (diluted because of bonuses) and 0.00036 ETH (diluted because of bonuses, founder fees, and crowdsale marketing fees). The overall dilution factor is 28%. Thus we can see the dilution factor of 28% is smaller than most ICO which is usually above 30%.


This project has a very bright prospect, especially there is no ICO concept (to the my knowledge) similar to Disciplina (in terms of scale and popularity). The future of education will indeed switch to self learning and the use of virtual class, so that learning platform like Disciplina has a very bright future. However, of course it all depends on the timing, adoption, and the competence of the developer team to build a "proper" integrated platform.
My BTT:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1510378


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